caudal fin

美 [ˈkɑdəl fɪn]英 [ˈkɔːdl fɪn]
  • 尾鳍
caudal fincaudal fin


the tail of fishes and some other aquatic vertebrates
Synonym: tail fin


  1. Culture of cells from caudal fin of carp


  2. Based on the unsteady incompressible potential flow theory , the swimming performance of the caudal fin is further studied .


  3. Experimental measurement and analysis on the wake vortex of oscillating flexible caudal fin


  4. Culture of Cells from Caudal Fin of Goldfish and the Effect of Serum on Cell Growth


  5. The DNA samples were extracted from the caudal fin ray of samples .


  6. The equation of the robotic fish caudal fin locomotion is deduced in the third section .


  7. Then the soft rays of caudal fin developed finally at 18-20 days post hatching with 7.10-7.31 mm whole length .


  8. Another characteristic is the presence of large black spots on the back and on both lobes of the caudal fin .


  9. The phenol extraction of genomic DNA from alcohol-preserved caudal fin is an effective method of promoting and using in molecular studies on fish .


  10. The father already had a somewhat unusual caudal fin pattern ; instead of a long band , this fish possessed elongate spots there .


  11. Large food fish of warm waters worldwide having long anal and dorsal fins that with caudal fin suggest a three-lobed tail .


  12. The soft anatomy of conodont shows some soft tissues including eyes , notochord , nerve cord , myomeres and caudal fin .


  13. The SPC-II fish robot prototype is an experimental platform which validates the stability , high efficiency and maneuverability by utilizing the caudal fin propulsion mechanism .


  14. Old World freshwater catfishes having naked skin and a long anal fin more or less merged with the eellike caudal fin .


  15. Nuclear Transplantation in Zebrafish ( Brachydanio rerio ): Development of Nucleate Unfertilized Eggs Transplanted with the Nuclei from Renal Cells and Caudal Fin Cells of Zebrafish


  16. This dissertation sets up the kinematics model on the basis of the biomimetic study of lunate-tail propulsion steady swimming fish and of the analysis of fish body motion and caudal fin motion .


  17. Studies on the formation of single caudal fin in the goldfish , Carassius auratus ⅲ . the effect of polyethyleneglycol and ultraviolet rays on the development of caudal fin


  18. According to bionic principle , a fish-like swimming micro robot using giant magnetostrictive thin film actuator as a propulsion caudal fin can improve its reliability and feasibility in the way of non-contact control .


  19. However , many robot fish belonging to the body and / or caudal fin propulsion , simulate the soft movements of fish by motor-driven stiff joints , which results in complex structure and noise .


  20. Examination of filmed sequences of turning fish shows that the C-type fast-start process includes three stages , distinguished by different movements of the centre of mass and motions of the caudal fin .


  21. Based on motion similarity of microrobot drive fin and fish caudal fin , the authors discuss fish ( muscle ) hydrodynamics , and analyze propulsion force produced by biomimetic fish-like drive fin .


  22. Poly ( A ) mRNA obtained from carp eggs was injected into goldfish embryo at different developmental stages to study the effect of the mRNA on the caudal fin development . The experiment consisted of two parts : I.


  23. The renal cells collected directly from the kindey or the primary cultured caudal fin cells were transplanted into the nucleated eggs of the same species . The nuclear transplanted eggs could develop into the late gastrulation stage .


  24. The results show that : Increasing the mass of fish appropriately and reducing the mass of the fish tail and the caudal fin , especially reducing the mass of the caudal fin , is contributed to reduce swinging of fish body .


  25. The newly hatched larvae are 11 mm . in total length . The pectoral fins , gills , mouth , caudal fin , eye pigment , blood vessels and other organs were formed gradually 2-4 days post hatching .


  26. The formation rate of the single caudal fin goldfish was 16 % - 83.3 % in 96 h by immersion in 5 % - 18 % PEG solution and was 40 % - 66.7 % in 10-20 min by UV irradiation .


  27. Based on the strategy , this paper gives the equation of caudal oscillating track when the robotic fish swimming forward with a certain speed by using two-link caudal fin .
